E Chord on the Ukulele
The E chord on the ukulele is one that often trips up new players. Be patient, as it takes time to build up the physical strength needed to play the E chord with ease. Here are a few tips.
This is the standard way of playing the E chord on the ukulele:
As you can see, playing the E chord in this way involves holding down all four strings, which can be tricky to start with. First of all, have a look at your left hand position. If you are holding the neck with your thumb wrapped around, and the neck is resting in the crook of your thumb, you might find it hard to get your fingers in position. Try placing your thumb on the back of the neck, and lifting the neck out of the palm of your hand, so that just your thumb and fingertips are in contact with the ukulele.
Some players prefer to hold down more than one string with a finger. Try playing it like this. The second finger holds down both the G and C string.

Alternatively, try this different E chord shape!

- If you’re having trouble with the E chord on the ukulele, try changing your hand and arm position. You should be relaxed and comfortable.
- Don’t squeeze too hard! You shouldn’t need to if your fingers are all carefully placed. It will just make your hand tired, and slow you down when you come to change chords.
- Don’t panic when you see an E chord coming up!
- Download our FREE Major Ukulele Chords PDF and keep it to hand when practising for quick reference. Simply fill in the form in the green box for instant access. (You’ll also receive 9 other useful ukulele PDFs!)